Oct 19 2016
Expectation vs. Reality
This is the first blog that I have ever written that actually matters, that people might actually read. So if my first blog entry is not the best, try not to judge too harshly. I am a freshman, and when I first started classes at Tech as a computer science major, I was skeptical. As a woman in computer science, you hear all the horror stories about the lack of women in our field. Well, they aren’t exactly horror stories, but you hear “encouraging stories” about women in computer science. Things about how there are not many women in computer science, but it is very important for more women to graduate in computer science, which I agree with. But it can be very intimidating to be completely surrounded by men in a field which you practically know nothing about(which was the case for me).
Some things that I was not expecting to find when I nervously chose computer science as my major: extraordinarily friendly professors and grad students, a bunch of dorks just like me, and a really fun time. The professors and staff in this department are amazing. I first talked to Dr. Siraj at the computer science orientation, and she was extremely helpful to me and just a completely comfortable person to be around. Dr. Gannod was also super helpful, and he is the one got me this great blogging opportunity in the first place! Mr. Ford, my teacher for Principles of Computing, has been super great with helping me learn how to use snap and learn all the basic things that most of the people I share class with already know. So thank you to all the staff members who have helped me so far.
Although I have not made many friends in my own degree, all the students I have met have been very welcoming and kind. Some of them already know a lot about coding and programming and all those other things I have no idea how to do; however, they do not come off as condescending or snobby, they all seem extremely understanding and helpful. I have had many students (freshman and otherwise) offer to help me if I ever need it (which I probably will).
I am much more assured now that computer science is the field for me; I have never felt so welcome and accepted by students my own age (or by staff members for that matter). Plus using snap (which is pretty much all I know how to do at this point) has actually been really fun. I really look forward to learning as much as I can about programming and coding and whatever else there is to learn (because I have no idea honestly). I also look forward to writing my next blog entry because it has been surprisingly fun to write this! So I guess I am done writing this now; I honestly have no idea how to conclude blogs. I’ll try to write more interesting stuff in my second blog entry; until next time!
One Response to “Expectation vs. Reality”
# Amberon 19 Oct 2016 at 5:44 pm
I’m glad you’re enjoying it here! It’s so important that freshmen, especially girls in this field, feel welcome & have people in their department that they can talk to.