In Visual Studio:
0) Create an empty C/C++ project.
1) Write the m-file with one function to expose to C/C++.
function [xp, length] = ExpandArray( x, interval) xp = 0:interval:x(length(x)); length = length(xp);
2) Create a deployment project (File->New->Deployment Project).
3) Add m-file to “Exported functions” in deployment project.
4) Change the settings of the deployment project to put the output directory output to the directory of the source files for the C/C++ project. Set the Library Name (e.g. “Functions”).
In Visual Studio:
5) Right-click on the project->Properties.
5a) Under C/C++->General, add the directory of the MATLAB header files to “Additional Include Directories”:
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a\extern\include"
5b) Under Linker->Input, add the directory of the MATLAB libraries and the location of your newly created MATLAB library to “Additional Dependencies”:
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a\extern\lib\win32\microsoft\mclmcrrt.lib" "C:\...\Functions.lib", where "..." is the path of the output directory set in step 4
6) Add the created header file to your project and include it in your C/C++ code where appropriate.
7) In your C/C++ code, initialize the MATLAB component:
bool ret = FunctionsInitialize(); if (!ret){ std::cout << "Error initializing MATLAB Component Runtime\n"; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
8) Create the input variables to the MATLAB function:
double x[4] = {1,2,3,4}; mwArray mwX(1,4,mxDOUBLE_CLASS); mwX.SetData(x,4); mwArray mwInterval((double) 0.1); int nargout = 2; // this says you will be using 2 outputs, xp and length
9) Create the output variables from the MATLAB function:
mwArray mwXP; mwArray mwLength;
10) Call your function:
ExpandArray(nargout, mwXP, mwLength, mwX, mwInterval);
11) Get the data out of the mwArrays:
int length; mwLength.GetData(&length, 1);
double *xp = new double[length]; mwXP.GetData(xp, length);
12) Terminate the use of the MATLAB component:
If you only want to return one variable from your MATLAB function, set
nargout to 1 and the return variable will be as such:
int returnVariable = MyFunction(nargout, inputVariable);