Professional Synopsis
- Doctorate in Electrical Engineering with research experience in four major electrical engineering fields: VLSI, Wireless Sensor Networks, Multi-Domain Optical Networks and Signal Processing
- Over 5 years experience in MATLAB, MAPLE, SPICE, OPNET, NS-2, VERILOG-A
- Special Expertise in implementing networking algorithms using programming tools
- Strong analysis, data acquisition and review, and process design abilities
- Sound knowledge of Signal Analysis, Communications Theory, Telecommunications Systems Design, Digital Image Processing, Optical Networking, Advanced Optical Networking, Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Advanced Embedded Systems, Advanced Computer Networks, Double Gated Transistors, Satellite Communications
Ph.D in Electrical Engineering (2006-present)
Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
M.S in Electrical Engineering (2004-2006, Aug)
Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
Bachelors in Electronics and Communications (2000-2004, May)
Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, India.
Work Experience
Graduate Instructor, EE Dept, TTU
- Taught a class of 80 students
- Conducted examinations, prepared handouts, assisted the students with their project work
- Conducted interactive lab sessions, graded exams and assignments
- Created a webpage with course presentations and designed several course projects
Fall 2008: Microcomputer Systems Spring 2009: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Graduate Teaching Assistant, EE Dept, TTU
· Prepared the experimental procedure and the setup of the experimental apparatus
- Supervised experiments, graded the lab reports and tests
Spring 2008
- ECE 3120: Computer Systems Lab
- ECE 2020: Measurements Lab
Fall 2007
- ECE 3120: Computer Systems Lab
- ECE 3170: Telecommunications Lab
Research Assistant, Center for Manufacturing Research, TTU (Jan 07-May 07)
Research Assistant, Center for Energy Systems Research, TTU (Aug 06-Dec 06)
- Performed optical network simulations on a cluster using OPNET
- Analyzed the structure and characteristics of multi-domain networks
- Proposed code modifications for better performance
Graduate Research Assistant, Tennessee Technological University, Center for Energy Systems Research. (Aug 04-Aug 06)
- Studied and analyzed various Blind Source Separation Techniques.
- Implemented Independent Component Analysis- Algorithms such as FastICA, InfoMax.
- Evaluated the performance of Blind Source Separation Algorithms both for time invariant and time varying mixtures.
- Developing an algorithm for instantaneous separation of time varying signals by making use of Fast Givens Rotations.
Graduate Assistant Mentor, Research Experience for Undergraduates, TTU
- Assisted undergraduate students with their research topic, “Multi-Domain Optical Networks” (May-Jul, 2007)
- Assisted undergraduate students with their research topic, “Independent Component Analysis using FastICA” (May-Jul, 2006)
- Assisted undergraduate students with their research topic, “Analysis and performance Evaluation of existing Watermarking Algorithms” (May-Jul, 2005)
Intern, Indian Space Research Organization, Govt of India (Dec 03-Apr 04)
- Developed a Software program for Calculating Earth Station Look angles
- Worked on prediction of date and times of Sun Transit Outage phenomena and developed an automated code to do the same
- Implemented “A Universal Noise Removal Algorithm with an Impulse Detector”, that helps in improving the final image
- Developed a Pattern Recognition Procedure for Classifying Different Kinds of Fruits
- Designed and assembled a Costas Loop for modulation and demodulation purposes
- Evaluated and Compared the Performance of Different Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithms with and without wavelength Converters
- Implemented the network layer and transport layer functionality using a DE2 board as a part of Embedded course
- Compared the performance of different cache replacement algorithms using MATLAB
- Designed and implemented a pipelined RISC microprocessor that is capable of supporting computations in embedded systems
- Efficiency evaluation of a solar panel
M.S Thesis
Signal Processing
· Worked on Independent Component Analysis, which is used for blind source separation and is a significant problem in signal processing arena.
· Accomplished a project titled “Performance Evaluation of MeRMaId-SIG Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis”
· Developed a MATLAB code to separate two mixed voice signals
Ph.D Dissertation
Double Gated Transistors
- Compared the efficiencies of Threshold Voltage and Surface Potential based models on double gated transistors
- Developed a MATLAB code for the performance evaluation of a IDG-FINFET & IDG-FLEXFET
- Working on developing a compact model for highly asymmetrical IDG transistors with high dynamic control factors
Wireless Sensor Networks
- Categorized various techniques of data dissemination and storage
- Investigated the underlying structure that most data dissemination algorithms follow
- Analyzed the performance metrics significant in evaluating the various algorithms
Optical Networks
- Assisted in developing a GMPLS-based hierarchical OSPF-TE routing framework to facilitate inter-domain lightpath provisioning
- Developed a nine-domain topology to evaluate the network’s performance
- Tested multi-domain DWDM provisioning framework using OPNET modeler simulations
Technical Skills
Simulators: OPNet, Labview, NS-2, SPICE
Systems Proficiency: Microsoft Office Suite, HTML
Operating Systems: MSDOS, Windows 98/XP/Vista
Manjeera Jeedigunta, Xubin He, “Evaluation of Data Dissemination Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks”, ICWN ‘08
Manjeera Jeedigunta, Stephen Parke, “Independent Double-Gated MOSFETs with High Dynamic Threshold Voltage Control”, EDL ‘09
Manjeera Jeedigunta, Stephen Parke, “Designing Independently Double-Gated MOSFETs with High Dynamic Threshold Voltage Control”, DRC ‘09
Honors & Activities
- Chaired a session on “Mobility Management and Agents” at ICWN ’08
- Chaired a session on “Algorithms and Applications of Wireless Networks” at ICWN ‘08
- Secured first place in Technical Demonstrations Competitions for “Biometric Devices: Fingerprint Recognition Device to Protect Word Documents”
- Presented technical papers on Bio-Metric Devices at different national level symposiums
- Secured first place in many elocution and debate competitions
- Secretary & Treasurer Indian Society for Technical Education- Student Chapter, MJ
- Worked as Treasurer and cultural secretary of Indian Association of Cookeville