ECE 3120 – Home
Prerequisite: ECE 3110 and ENGR2121 or CSC2010. Architecture and programming of microcomputer systems; interfacing with peripherals.
Goals: This course introduces the basic concepts of computer system hardware and software. You will use a Motorola HCS12 microcontroller throughout the course as a specific example of a typical (small) modern computer system. You will learn about the internal hardware organization of a computer, the sequence of steps that determine its operation, and how to program it in assembly language, which is a very low-level language closely tied to the specific processor. In the labs, you will interface it to control various peripheral devices.
Methods: Several teaching methods will be utilized in an attempt to best match each student’s learning style. These include board lectures, World Wide Web, computer tools and graphics, class and small group discussion, homework assignments (reading, problem solving, programming, and design), and laboratory assignments where you write, download, and test your programs on the microcontroller. Active student participation in class is at the heart of this educational method and will be expected. A course web will be maintained throughout the semester. This includes the course information, PowerPoint slides, homework and project assignments.
Course Hours: Lecture 3, Lab 2, Credit 3. Actually, this usually means three hours in the classroom with the professor and approximately two hours in the lab with a graduate teaching assistant, weekly.
Lecture hours: MWF 12:15-1:10pm, PH-226
Lab hours: Monday – 3:00-5:00pm, BN 320.
Required Texts: Han-Way Huang, The HCS12/9S12: An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2006. ISBN: 1401898122
Lecture/Class Notes.
Lab Equipment:
- DRAGON12 Microcontroller Design Kit, with manuals and software tools
- Standard 9-pin COM port cable for a PC
- Miscellaneous: wire, solder, tools as required
- Student purchase is recommended, but optional, for your convenience, with approximate cost of $139 total. All this equipment is available for your use in the ECE Digital CadLab (BN320) and in the ME Mechatronics Lab (BN326)
- All hardware and software associated with this course are in Digital CAD Lab at BN320
- The lab is open 24 hours a day, and 7 days/week
Instructor: Manjeera Jeedigunta
Office: PH 120
Phone: 1-931-372-6181
World Wide Web:
Teaching Assistant:- Jeremy Langston.
Grading: Grades will be assigned on the scale-
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
Below 60 = F
The course grade consists of the following elements with the weights shown:
Homework = 30%
Quizzes = 10%
Lab work = 20%
Project = 20%
Tests =20%
Project: A significant part of your grade will consist of a small laboratory design project involving the design, programming, and debugging of a complete microcontroller system. It will include the use of some basic peripherals such as switches, LEDs, stepper motors, servos, and infrared sources and sensors.
Based on the requirements given, you will determine the characteristics of the system and provide an acceptable solution that is bounded within the confines of the constraints. The project will help you to assimilate the different concepts learned in the course and to develop and utilize your creativity.
Homework: The homework in this class is intended to give the student practice in analysis and design. It will include microcomputer problems and programming. Students may work together for the purpose of learning. However, it is NOT permissible to copy solutions from somewhere or someone else. Homework will be collected and some problems may be graded. Note that in-class discussion, tests will be very similar to the homework, so be sure you can do the homework on your own. Each homework problem should be distinctly separated and final answers should be clearly indicated. it is also preferable to work on only one side of the paper.
Tests: There will be two tests. All tests must be taken at the scheduled time unless a previous arrangement (with a VERY good reason) has been made with the professor.
Calculators: Any type of calculator may be used, but only on specific exams and/or problems.
Attendance: It is mandatory for students to attend all classes and labs. Your class grade depends on your attendance and work done in class, which cannot be made up in case of a suprise quiz. It is your responsibility to learn any missed material. You are also expected to be present at the specified class time; tardiness disturbs everyone.
Disabilities: Students with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS). An Accommodation Request (AR) should be completed as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the first week of the course. The ODS is located in the Roaden University Center, Room 112, phone 372-6119.
Academic Honesty: Integrity is a principal characteristic of professional engineers; without it, your work means nothing. The TTU Policy Manual states:
Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty undermine the integrity of the academic process, and cannot be tolerated in an institution of higher learning. … All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students involved in academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly as a participant or abettor, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class, who has the authority to assign an “F” or a zero for the exercise or examination, or to assign an “F” for the course.
Always protect your own work from wandering eyes, since it is often not possible to determine who was the originator and who was the copier. The first such offense will result in a failing grade and a letter of reprimand in your permanent student file.
All in all I hope it will be one productive and fun filled semester.