The purpose of this project is to provide a hands-on design and coding experience with the HCS12, hardware, and hardware interfacing functionality of the HCS12. For this project, you must work in teams . Five possible project topics are listed below. Email your topic of interest or better the order of preference of the topic you would like to work on. As an alternative, a group of students may propose their own project (approved by the instructor) for the course. All proposed projects should focus on the computer system design using DRAGON evaluation boards.
Project Descriptions
- 10/17: Form Teams (team name, team members), Choose Project Topic and Approved by the Instructor (email your team name and team members to the Instructor by 10/16).
- 11/14: System Design Report due
- 12/03: Project Presentation
- 12/05: Project Demo and Final Project Report
Requirements & Constraints
- Teams will be allotted depending upon your choice of the topic
- Each member must design part of the project and must write his/her OWN part of final report. Each member must clearly show his/her individual contribution to the project.
- Essential to help each other WITHIN teams! No discussion BETWEEN teams.
- Design for proper functionality and efficiency.
Phase 1 – System Design Report
Each team will submit a project system design report with the following contents in order:
- Title Page with project title, TTU class number and title, date of submission, team name, and members.
- Project Specifications and Description, expanded and clarified from these given specs.
- Your algorithms showing in flow charts
- Your overall program structure
- Team member responsibilities for the project.
- General timeline to finish the project.
Phase 2 – Project Presentation
Each team will give a 15 min presentation on their project. The presentation should cover the follwing main points.
- Project Specifications
- The algorithm describing the overall flow of logic
- The individual modules and subroutines developed
- Issues faced
- Overall output
Each member of the group should talk about his/her contribution to the project.
Phase 3 – Final Report & Demo
Each team will submit a final report that includes following contents in order:
- Title Page (team name, members, class number and name, submission date)
- Table of Contents (TOC)
- Project Specifications and Description.
- Detailed algorithms.
- Detail implementation: stack frames for subroutines, assembly code (you should use comments).
- Analysis: functionality, and testing results.
- Title Page (team name, your name, class number and name, submission date)
- Your individual contribution, Be specific.
- Evaluate your team members’ work.
- Any suggestions or comments on the project (optional)
Each team will demo the project functionality to the instructor on the allotted day and time.
- Projects will be graded on the documentation, functionality, and teamwork.
- Grade = system design report (20%) + Project functionality (30%) +Presentation(15%)+ Final Report (30%) + teamwork (5%)
- Deduct 5 points per day late on each phase