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Uwakwe Christian Chukwu  (President)   uxtian@yahoo.com

Uwakwe Christian Chukwu  (President)   uxtian@yahoo.com

Burnessa Duke  (Secretary)  blduke42@tntech.edu

Camille Woods   (Vice President)    cnwoods21@tntech.edu

Lazarus  Uzoechi  (Senator 1)  <laz_okey@yahoo.com>


Kassam Bhegani  (senator-2)   kabhegani21@tntech.edu

Kennedy Aganah   (Treasurer)  <adinbo@gmail.com>

Onyinye Ahiakwo (Membership Chair) (<versatile4ng@yahoo.com>;

Usman Sulayman (Telecommunications/publications Chair)   usman2g4@yahoo.com

Uwakwe Christian Chukwu  (President)   uxtian@yahoo.com

Delali Kwami (Parliamentalian)<delali.kwami@gmail.com>

Shabir Bhegani (Co-program chair-2) <sabhegani21@tntech.edu>;

Laishka Bruno ( Co-program chair-1) “Laishka Bruno” <lfbruno21@tntech.edu>


1. Dr. Rob O. - July 26, 2010

Being a former member of TTU’s NSBE chapter (’90s), I am very proud of the things that the chapter has been doing recently, and where it is headed!