Although I’ve lived for some time I can still experience so many new things living in Cookeville. Starting as a freshman at Tennessee Tech University has only increased the number of new people I’ve met and opportunities I can take apart in. While I had a busy life in high school, I’m amazed at how many different organizations and activities there are on campus. From talking to the representatives of many organizations during Welcome Week to attending informational meetings, I’ve found everyone to be open and welcoming. In fact, I may need to learn to say “no” quickly as it is easy to over commit.

Women of CyberEagles meeting.
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Hi! This is my first ever blog post. I have written articles for newsletters, conferences, and journals, but had never written a blog post until today.
It is hard to believe that I have been teaching in the Department of Computer Science since August of 1993! I am beginning my twenty-fourth academic year of full-time teaching. All my colleagues from that first 1993-1994 school year are no longer working in Bruner Hall, due to retirements or professional moves. When I first started teaching at TTU, I was only about 4 years older than the seniors; now a lot of the freshmen were born in 1998. The new students take for granted a lot of things that are technological advances to me. They have never known life without the World Wide Web or smartphones.
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