Oct 23 2009

new website woes

Published by under What?

Well, trying to edit the faculty profile available on the main departmental page was a miserable failure… after much effort, I was able to add the link to this webpage… which resulted in the self-destruction of the formatting on my official profile… :( So I pared that down to something which wasn’t so obviously messed up… how much did the university pay for our new, amazing, “TechCMS, a highly modified version of an Open Source Content Management System suited to fit the needs of TTU”?

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Sep 04 2009

A new year begins…

Published by under Introduction

The fall semester is here, students are taking up parking spots, and meetings are being scheduled.

In any case, this won’t be the most complete or up-to-date webpage you’ll ever run across, but it will do the job… more or less.  If you are a student in one of my classes, direct your eyes to the tabs at the top of the page — your class should have one.  Notes and other handouts will be posted there.  If you are looking to get in touch with me, e-mail is the way to go, or you can catch me during office hours.

Ciao for now!

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