Jeremy W. Langston

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Tag: g0704

Glacern GSV-440

My new vise came in the mail today!  It’s a Glacern GSV-440 4″ Vise.  A vise is not one of those things things I wanted to skimp on, as I’ve seen the Chinese junk.  Sure you can still make good stuff with one of the junkers.  However,  I don’t want to spend a lot of time just getting my vise to function as a vise.  At $224, the GSV-440 isn’t cheap, but it’s a whole lot less than similarly sized Kurt’s.  I went with the 4″ thinking that the 5″ and 6″ would be too large for the G0704 – and I think the 4″ is a perfect fit.

Removing the safety guard on the Grizzly G0704 Mill

I’ve only used  my mill briefly and already noticed that the safety guard on my G0704 mill just had to go.  Basically it works by pressing a switch when the guard is flipped out, causing the mill to stop.  Good idea, but the plastic guard gets in the way.  So, here’s the easiest way of removing the guard without having to splice anything.


Step 1) Remove the snap ring on the top of the guard.


Step 2) Remove the two hex bolts holding the switch housing to the head.


Step 3)  Take out the set screw holding the guard to the switch housing.  Careful – nothing is really holding the guard up.



Here you can see how it actually works.  Behind the paper strip is a micro-switch.  When the guard is flipped out, the switch presses in.


Step 4)  Flip the guard open and pull straight down until it comes out.  Finally bolt the switch housing back onto the head and you’re done.


Grizzly G0704 Milling Machine has arrived!


Three months later the mill finally makes it off a slow boat from China to my doorstep. Over 300lbs, getting this thing into the backyard with my shed might have to wait a bit. It’s been raining so much that it might get bogged down in mud. That ought to give me time to figure out how to lift it onto its stand…

UPDATED 6/25/2010:

I finally found the time to uncrate the mill and clean it up.  As with other machinery shipped overseas from China, a protecting coat of wax was applied to the unpainted metal.  I used Purple Power, an engine grease solvent, undiluted, and scrubbed away the red wax.  This included the table, handles, dovetails, and other places that were accessible.  I didn’t do a tear-down because I didn’t want to risk the chance of not getting it back together perfectly.  The stand comes pre-assembled, with the exception of the chip tray that sits between the mill and the stand.  The mill, tray, and stand all have 4 mounting holes to hold everything together.  There are also areas at the feet for mounting the stand to the floor.  I haven’t made it to this point yet.  Maybe in the next week or two when I get an extra hand it will finally be together.  Since the cost of the milling machine is about half of the overall cost of ownership (cutters, tool-holding, etc.), I can’t use it just yet.


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