Joseph J. Biernacki

Tennessee Tech University

CHE 2020 – J. J. Biernacki

This web blog is CHE 2020(Introduction to Chemical and Biological Process Analysis – Scaling II) course.  Please use it to post helpful information regarding the course materials or projects you might be working on.  Also, consider using it as a form of support group for the course, post questions, respond to questions that others have and help each other to learn.

I hope you find this site to be useful.  Let’s see how it goes.

J. J. Biernacki

Professor, Chemical Engineering

9 Responses to “CHE 2020 – J. J. Biernacki”

  1.   Fahad Al-Jassar Says:

    Have any one tried to run the matlab script that the prof had sent example 4,20 ? I have an error and could not figure it out. if any one had encounter the same problem and solve it please tell us where is the error.

  2.   JJBiernacki Says:

    What is the error exactly. When I run the code, I do not receive any error, so I’m not sure what the problem is. I assume you are running the code in your MoLE-SI account.


  3.   Fahad Al-Jassar Says:

    Yes I used MoLE-SI to access Matlab the error is “Error: File: problem420.m Line: 73 Column: 1
    Function definitions are not permitted in this context.”

  4.   JJBiernacki Says:

    OK, we’ll discuss in class. I do not get this error message. In fact, there is no code on “line 73” of my Problem420.m file.

  5.   Alisa Howell Says:

    Homework 2-12 doesn’t make sense.

  6.   Elizabeth Says:

    Is the exam out of 115 or 135?

  7.   JJBiernacki Says:

    The exam scores are out of 130 points. Sorry about the addition error on the exam score sheet.

  8.   JJBiernacki Says:

    Alisa, I believe you mean problem 4-12 in Chapter 4. I can go over this problem in class, however, it requires that you perform integration as show in Section 4.5.1 and given by equations (4-70) and (4-72).

    I hope this helps,


  9.   Salem Buhamad Says:

    in problem 4-20
    we should get the density for (xylenes) from appendix
    i found the density of o-xylene and m-xylene and p-xylene
    so do we take the average for the (xylenes) density???

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